Custom Flash Memory Cards

<p>Customize your own SD (Secure Digital), CF (Compact Flash), and microSD flash memory cards for commercial, industrial, or promotional use.</p>
<div id="CustomMMC" class="box" style="display:block;">
<div class="box-nav-wrap">
<ul class="box-nav">
<li class="ParasailingTab active mouseout" title="Parasailing">
<div><i class="icon-parasailing"></i><span>Parasailing</span></div>
<li class="HealthcareTab mouseout" title="Healthcare">
<div><i class="icon-healthcare"></i><span>Healthcare</span></div>
<li class="AerospaceTab mouseout" title="Aerospace">
<div><i class="icon-aerospace"></i><span>Aerospace</span></div>
<li class="AutomotiveTab mouseout" title="Automotive">
<div><i class="icon-automotive"></i><span>Automotive</span></div>
<li class="IndustrialTab mouseout" title="Industrial">
<div><i class="icon-industrial"></i><span>Industrial</span></div>
<li class="Audio/VideoTab mouseout" title="Audio/Video">
<div><i class="icon-audio-video"></i><span>Audio/Video</span></div>
<li class="RetailTab mouseout" title="Retail">
<div><i class="icon-retail"></i><span>Retail</span></div>
</div><!-- End Case Studies Client Logos-->
<div class="main">
<div class="box-contents-mmc">
<!--TAB#00 - HEALTHCARE-->
<div id="ParasailingPane" class="pane show row">
<div class="ColumnLeft col s12 m5 l4">
<figure><br />
<source data-srcset="[php] echo load_cdn() . auto_version('/img/custommemorycard/industries-parasailing.webp'); [/php]" type="image/webp">
<img class="lazy responsive-img" data-src="[php] echo load_cdn() . auto_version('/img/custommemorycard/industries-parasailing.jpg'); [/php]" title="Industries Served | Parasailing" alt="Parasailing MicroSD Card and MicroSD Adapter" height="250" width="300" />
</picture><br />
<figcaption>The Ideal GoPro Solution, Supports HD and 4K Video Playback and Recording.</figcaption>
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<span class="h1">Parasailing</span>
<p>For the adventure enthusiast in mind, custom printed SD and Micro SD cards give your clients a reason to come back! Help capture a memorable experience and increase repeat business at the same time. As a Parasailing Owner/Operator, value added services are a great way to increase revenue and offer the client something special they can value for years to come. We have worked with companies like Ranalli Parasail, Ike?s Beach Service, and Ocean City Parasail in providing their custom branded and preloaded SD and MicroSD card solutions.</p>
<ul class="features">
<li>Fully Branded SD/Micro SD Cards, Adaptors, and Cases</li>
<li>The Ideal GoPro Solution, Supports HD and 4K Video Playback and Recording</li>
<li>Pre-Load with Valuable Coupons and Imagery of the Parasailing Experience</li>
<li>Fast Transfer Speeds, Less Wait Time for your Clients</li>
<li>Quality Assured with Lifetime Warranty</li>
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</div><!-- End TAB#00 -->
<!--TAB#01 - HEALTHCARE-->
<div id="HealthcarePane" class="pane row" style="display:none;">
<div class="ColumnLeft col s12 m5 l4">
<figure><br />
<source data-srcset="[php] echo load_cdn() . auto_version('/img/custommemorycard/industries-healthcare.webp'); [/php]" type="image/webp">
<img class="lazy responsive-img" data-src="[php] echo load_cdn() . auto_version('/img/custommemorycard/industries-healthcare.jpg'); [/php]" title="Industries Served | Healthcare" alt="Devilbiss Healthcare SD Card" height="250" width="300" />
</picture><br />
<figcaption>Devilbiss Healthcare have used CustomUSB for over 8 years with their aerosol therapy and air purifier devices.</figcaption>
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<div class="ColumnRight col s12 m7 l8">
<span class="h1">Healthcare</span>
<p>Whether you make small portable devices such as heart rate monitors or large devices like dialysis machines or breathing apparatus, CustomUSB can help. We understand how crucial data integrity is to your product. A fault simply isn?t an option. We?ve worked with companies like Philips Respironics, Universal Medical, and DeVilbiss Healthcare to make sure their devices functioned properly and their supply chain was uninterrupted, for long term projects as well as on demand delivery of memory components.</p>
<ul class="features">
<li>Pre-production testing</li>
<li>Strict adherence to performance specs</li>
<li>Only the Most reliable components</li>
<li>On demand delivery</li>
<li>Predictive sourcing to ensure supply chain continuity</li>
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</div><!-- End TAB#01 -->
<!--TAB#02 - AEROSPACE-->
<div id="AerospacePane" class="pane row" style="display:none;">
<div class="ColumnLeft col s12 m5 l4">
<figure><br />
<source data-srcset="[php] echo load_cdn() . auto_version('/img/custommemorycard/industries-aerospace.webp'); [/php]" type="image/webp">
<img class="lazy responsive-img" data-src="[php] echo load_cdn() . auto_version('/img/custommemorycard/industries-aerospace.jpg'); [/php]" title="Industries Served | Aerospace" alt="Industrial Grade Memory Components" height="250" width="300" />
</picture><br />
<figcaption>Whether you need embedded memory, industrial grade SSD?s, industrial grade CF or SD cards, CustomUSB can help.</figcaption>
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<span class="h1">Aerospace</span>
<p>Aerospace has unique challenges. Shock, vibration, and temperature ranges for commercial memory simply do not measure up to the conditions 10,000 feet above ground. CustomUSB can help. Industrial grade memory is difficult to source, but with our strategic partnerships we will find the memory component your project needs. We have over a decade of experience supplying companies like Northrop Grumman and military organizations like SPAWAR to meet their industrial memory needs.</p>
<ul class="features">
<li>Industrial Grade Memory</li>
<li>Higher/lower temperature ranges</li>
<li>Higher Shock and vibration tolerance</li>
<li>Longer read/write cycles with SLC memory</li>
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<!--TAB#03 - AUTOMOTIVE-->
<div id="AutomotivePane" class="pane row" style="display:none;">
<div class="ColumnLeft col s12 m5 l4">
<figure><br />
<source data-srcset="[php] echo load_cdn() . auto_version('/img/custommemorycard/industries-automotive.webp'); [/php]" type="image/webp">
<img class="lazy responsive-img" data-src="[php] echo load_cdn() . auto_version('/img/custommemorycard/industries-automotive.jpg'); [/php]" title="Industries Served | Automotive" alt="Custom Branded MicroSD Card with Reader" height="250" width="300" />
</picture><br />
<figcaption>Custom Memory branding makes your product and your memory a seamless presentation.</figcaption>
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<div class="ColumnRight col s12 m7 l8">
<span class="h1">Automotive</span>
<p>Cars and GPS units need memory cards. Whether your device needs MicroSD, SD, or CF cards CustomUSB can help. Our sourcing allows us to get you the best memory components, and our custom labeling and branding solutions allow your memory branding to match your device. We?ve worked with companies like Nascar and Yamaha providing memory for in-dash camera recording, as well as companies like Tirmble navigation for their GPS and mapping needs.</p>
<ul class="features">
<li>Customiszed Memory Branding</li>
<li>SD, MicroSD, and CF card sourcing</li>
<li>Pre-production testing and evaluation</li>
<li>Quality Assurance Testing and a 3 year warranty on all parts</li>
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</div><!-- End TAB#03 -->
<!--TAB#04 - INDUSTRIAL-->
<div id="IndustrialPane" class="pane row" style="display:none;">
<div class="ColumnLeft col s12 m5 l4">
<figure><br />
<source data-srcset="[php] echo load_cdn() . auto_version('/img/custommemorycard/industries-industrial.webp'); [/php]" type="image/webp">
<img class="lazy responsive-img" data-src="[php] echo load_cdn() . auto_version('/img/custommemorycard/industries-industrial.jpg'); [/php]" title="Industries Served | Industrial" alt="Custom Memoroy Components" height="250" width="300" />
</picture><br />
<figcaption>We will find the right memory component to fit your needs and if it doesn?t exist, we?ll help you build one to your specifications.</figcaption>
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<div class="ColumnRight col s12 m7 l8">
<span class="h1">Industrial</span>
<p>Whether you need a memory card for a factory level data logger or for a train rail switch system CustomUSB can help. We?ve had 10 years of experience servicing companies like Norfolk Southern, 3M, Panasonic, Spillman Technologies and others.</p>
<ul class="features">
<li>Built to meet your needs</li>
<li>SD, MicroSD, and CF card sourcing</li>
<li>Pre-production testing and evaluation</li>
<li>Quality Assurance Testing and a 3 year warranty on all parts</li>
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</div><!-- End TAB#04 -->
<!--TAB#05 - AUDIO/VIDEO-->
<div id="AudioVideoPane" class="pane row" style="display:none;">
<div class="ColumnLeft col s12 m5 l4">
<figure><br />
<source data-srcset="[php] echo load_cdn() . auto_version('/img/custommemorycard/industries-audio-video.webp'); [/php]" type="image/webp">
<img class="lazy responsive-img" data-src="[php] echo load_cdn() . auto_version('/img/custommemorycard/industries-audio-video.jpg'); [/php]" title="Industries Served | Audio / Video" alt="Mandel Communications SD Cards" height="250" width="300" />
</picture><br />
<figcaption>Need to record HD Video for security cameras, or do action photography? Performance matters and paying for retail solutions is expensive. We will make blazing fast cards tailor made for optimal performance in your device at wholesale prices.</figcaption>
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<span class="h1">Audio / Video</span>
<p>Audio and video recording equipment has some of the most intensive data throughput requirements in the industry. We provide cost effective solutions to service everything from video cameras to audio recorders like we do for Boss/Roland or Mandel Communications. Or maybe you need MicroSD cards for your fleet of GoPro cameras? CustomUSB has you covered.</p>
<ul class="features">
<li>High speed performance</li>
<li>Supports HD and 4K video playback and recording</li>
<li>Data duplication and pre-load servicess</li>
<li>Unique part number serialization available for data distribution</li>
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</div><!-- End TAB#05 -->
<!--TAB#06 - RETAIL-->
<div id="RetailPane" class="pane row" style="display:none;">
<div class="ColumnLeft col s12 m5 l4">
<figure><br />
<source data-srcset="[php] echo load_cdn() . auto_version('/img/custommemorycard/industries-retail.webp'); [/php]" type="image/webp">
<img class="lazy responsive-img" data-src="[php] echo load_cdn() . auto_version('/img/custommemorycard/industries-retail.jpg'); [/php]" title="Industries Served | Retail" alt="Retail SD Cards & USB Drives" height="250" width="300" />
</picture><br />
<figcaption>We have experience servicing firmware updates and data display systems. We?ve worked with retail video display kiosks for SodaStream and Bona Flooring, Sears, Maytag, Pure Fishing and others.</figcaption>
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<div class="ColumnRight col s12 m7 l8">
<span class="h1">Retail</span>
<p>Memory is a key component of the retail market. We provide memory solutions for point of sale devices like our client Micros and memory cards for retail display systems for RTC Communications.</p>
<ul class="features">
<li>Quality controlled sourcing for seamless integration with thousands of retail units</li>
<li>Cost effective solutions for simple data logging devices or blazing fast performance for HD Video display systems</li>
<li>Data duplication and pre-load services</li>
<li>Unique part number serialization</li>
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